Tun Tavern® Occasion, Holiday & Limited Time Beer Selections

Our occasion, seasonal and specialty beers are only available on a limited basis. Watch our website and on our social media for updates on the specialty and seasonal beers available. Keep an eye out… they may return at any time!

tun tavern beer icon - apple stout

Apple Stout

An amazing crafted stout with apple notes and aromatics.


All-American IPA (American Style Indian Pale Ale)

The aroma and flavor of a Weissbier with yeast is decidedly fruity and phenolic. The phenolic characteristics are often described as clove- or nutmeg-like and can be smoky or even vanilla-like.


Barley Wine Ale (American-Style)

American style barley wine: amber to deep copper-garnet in color; full body and high residual malty sweetness; Complexity of alcohols and fruity-ester characters are high and counterbalanced by assertive bitterness.

tun tavern beer icon - belgian strong

Belgian Strong

A Dark, Strong, Belgian Style Beer. Belgian dark strong ales are amber to dark brown in color. Often, though not always, brewed with dark Belgian "candy" sugar, these beers can be well attenuated, ranging from medium to full-bodied.

tun tavern beer icon - belgian tripel

Belgian Triple

Tripels are often characterized by a complex, sometimes mild spicy character. Clove-like phenolic flavor and aroma may be evident at extremely low levels. Yeast-generated fruitiness, including banana esters, are also common, but not necessary.

tun tavern beer icon - berliner weiss

Berliner Weiss

Very pale in color and the lightest of the German wheat beers. The unique combination of yeast and lactic acid bacteria fermentation yields a beer that is acidic, highly attenuated, and very light bodied.

tun tavern beer icon - belgian witte

Belgian Witte

Belgian white ales are very pale in color and are brewed using unmalted wheat and malted barley and are spiced with coriander and orange peel. Coriander and light orange peel aroma should be perceived as such or as an unidentified spiciness.

tun tavern beer icon - blood orange tipa

Blood Orange TIPA

Fruited Triple IPA 10.8%: Brewed with pilsner, caramel, and oat malts. Aged on lavish blood orange puree. Hopped fiercely with Simcoe and Columbus. A very intense orange experience that is complimented by balanced bitterness and malty sweetness.

tun tavern beer icon - boardwalk brown

Boardwalk Brown

English brown ales range from deep copper to brown in color. They have a medium body and a dry to sweet maltiness with very little hop flavor or aroma. Roast malt tones may sometimes contribute to the flavor and aroma profile.

tun tavern beer icon - bulldog brown

Bulldog Brown

This medium-bodied, red to dark brown colored ale has a malty sweetness and chocolate-like caramel aroma. A light hop flavor and/or aroma is acceptable. Dubbels are also characterized by low-medium to medium bitterness.

tun tavern beer icon - doppelbock


Malt character is more reminiscent of fresh and lightly toasted Munichstyle malt, more so than caramel or toffee malt character. Some elements of caramel and toffee can be evident and contribute to complexity, but the predominant malt character is an expression of toasted barley malt.

tun tavern beer icon - dry hopped blonde

Dry Hopped Blonde

4.5% light, bright and easy drinking beer. Brewed with pilsner malt and a touch of wheat. Then dry hopped generously with Saaz hops for a citrus and floral flavor and aroma.


Farmhouse IPA

An IPA made with rye, oats, and raw honey; hopped to 65 IBU's with Nugget, Saaz, and Chinook; fermented with a Saison yeast.

tun tavern beer icon - gruit


Popular before the extensive use of hops, gruit is an old-fashioned herb mixture, commonly including sweet gale, mugwort, and yarrow, used for bittering and flavoring beer,. These ancient ales may be highly intoxicating and aphrodisiacal when consumed in significant quantity. Historically, it has been said to stimulate the mind, create euphoria, and enhance sexual drive.


Honey Ale

New Jersey Honey Ale 5.7% - An unfiltered golden hued honey ale. Brewed with an assortment of malted wheats and New Jersey Blueberry Honey, hopped lightly with a blend of german hops. Conditioned atop a heaping amount of New Jersey Blueberry Honey. Notes of candied peaches, wildflower, and of course honey. Crisp and refreshing.



IPA is back - This batch is called IPRay Harvest Ale - dry hopped, made with fresh picked New Jersey Hops. The IPA gets it's name from the grower: Tim Kelly's friend Ray.

tun tavern beer icon - irish red

Irish Red

Crimson Ale 5.4% abv. Pleasing hoppyness and smooth, very drinkable. A touch of dark malts gives it's ruddy redness & a hint of dark chocolate.

tun tavern beer icon - kolsch


A clean, crisp beer with a soft, rounded palate comprising of a delicate flavor balance between very subtle fruit flavors and aromas, medium bitterness, and a subdued maltiness throughout that leads to a delicate dryness and pleasantly refreshing tang in the finish.

Tun Beer Icon - Kvass


A refreshing summer Eastern European beverage Kvass, made from a traditional rye bread recipe baked in home built Pompii oven and spiced with lemon peel and mint.

tun tavern beer icon - maibock

Maibock (German-Style Helles Bock)​

The German word helle means light colored, and as such, a heller Bock is light straw to deep golden in color. Maibocks are also light-colored bocks. The sweet malty character should come through in the aroma and flavor. A lightly toasted and/or bready malt character is often evident. Roast or heavy toast/caramel malt character should be absent. Body is medium to full. Hop bitterness should be low, while noble-type hop aroma and flavor may be at low to medium levels. Bitterness increases with gravity. Fruity esters may be perceived at low levels. Diacetyl should be absent. Chill haze should not be perceived.

tun tavern beer icon - motueka ipa

Motueka IPA

India Pale Ale 6.8%: Brewed with pilsner, caramel, and oat malts. Hopped exclusively with Motueka. Notes of freshly zested limes, lemon zest, and mango flesh.

tun tavern beer icon - munich dunkel

Münich Dunkel

These light brown to dark brown beers have a pronounced malty aroma and flavor that dominates over the clean, crisp, moderate hop bitterness. This beer does not offer an overly sweet impression, but rather a mild balance between malt sweetness, hop bitterness and light to moderate mouthfeel.

tun tavern beer icon - oktoberfest-marzen


In 1810, a two week celebration was held honoring the marriage of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig's marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. Today we call this festival "Oktoberfest." Smoothness from lagering, a rich malty flavor, medium body, and low clean hop bitterness characterizes this autumnal brew.

tun tavern beer icon - perfect pilsner

Perfect Pilsner

Pilsner is light straw in color and well hopped with medium hop bitterness and moderate aroma. It is a well-attenuated, medium-light bodied beer, with a malty residual sweetness that can be perceived in aroma and flavor. Low levels of sweet corn-like character are below most beer drinkers' taste thresholds and are usually not detectable except to the trained or sensitive palate. Other fermentation or hop related sulfur compounds may be perceived at low levels.


Pumpkin Beer (Chukin' Punkin)

Chukin' Punkin is a light, unfiltered lager crafted with over 250 pounds of pumpkin and is lightly spiced to let the subtle flavor of the pumpkin come through. Pumpkin beers are any beers using pumpkins (Cucurbito pepo) as an adjunct in either mash, kettle, primary or secondary fermentation, providing obvious (ranging from subtle to intense), yet harmonious, qualities. Pumpkin qualities should not be overpowered by hop character. These may or may not be spiced or flavored with other things.

tun tavern beer icon - imperial pumpkin ale

Pumpkin Beer (Imperial Pumpkin Ale)

The king of pumpkin ales, this beer is rich in flavor, with lots of fresh baked pumpkin added. The brew gets its delicious aroma and flavor from autumn spices, including nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and ginger.

tun tavern beer icon - pumpkin spice ale

Pumpkin Beer (Pumpkin Spice)

Rich in pumpkin flavor, this brew gets its delicious aroma and accents from autumn spices, including nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and ginger.

tun tavern beer icon - tun-kin pumpkin

Pumpkin Beer (Tun-Kin Pumpkin)

Rich in flavor, with aromatic notes of pumpkin flavor.

tun tavern beer icon - robust porter

Robust Porter

Robust porters are black in color and have a roast malt flavor, often reminiscent of cocoa, but no roast barley flavor. These porters have a sharp bitterness of black malt without a highly burnt/charcoal flavor. Caramel and other malt sweetness should be present and in harmony with other distinguishing porter characters. Robust porters range from medium to full in body and have a malty sweetness. Hop bitterness is medium to high, with hop aroma and flavor ranging from negligible to medium. Diacetyl is acceptable at very low levels. Fruity esters should be evident, balanced with roast malt and hop bitterness.

tun tavern beer icon - russian imperial stout

Russian Imperial Stout

10.5% abv. Brewed with chocolate, caramel and oat malts. Pours a dark black, with a creamy dark brown head. Roasty, chocolate, and creamy flavor, with noticeable alcohol presence.

tun tavern beer icon - session ipa

Session IPA

North Eastern Style Session IPA 4.5% - .This session IPA follows suit with a "North Eastern" style; hazy, fruity and lightly bittered. Notes of papaya and rich citrus fruits emerge from this effervescent and soft IPA.

tun tavern beer icon - sumatra coffee stout

Sumatra Coffee Stout

Rich Sumata Coffee is cold extracted and then gently infused into our Leatherneck Stout. Try it with a scoop of ice cream as a float or take a growler home for breakfast.

tun tavern beer icon - tun dark

Tun Dark

This beer's malt aroma and flavor are low but notable. Its color ranges from a very deep copper to a deep, dark brown. It has a clean, light body with discreet contributions from caramel and roasted malts. Non-malt adjuncts are often used, and hop rates are low. Hop bitterness is clean and has a short duration of impact. Hop flavor, and aroma are low. Carbonation is high. Fruity esters, diacetyl, and chill haze should not be perceived.


Tun Dunkelweiss (German-Style Dunkel Weizen)

This beer style is characterized by a distinct sweet maltiness and a chocolate-like character from roasted malt. Estery and phenolic elements of this Weissbier should be evident but subdued. Color can range from copper-brown to dark brown. Dunkel Weissbier is well attenuated and very highly carbonated, and hop bitterness is low. Hop flavor and aroma are absent. Usually dark barley malts are used in conjunction with dark cara or color malts, and the percentage of wheat malt is at least 50 percent. If this is served with yeast, the beer may be appropriately very cloudy. No diacetyl should be perceived.

tun tavern beer icon - heffeweissen

Tun Hefeweizen (German-Style Hefeweizen)

The aroma and flavor of a Weissbier with yeast is decidedly fruity and phenolic. The phenolic characteristics are often described as clove- or nutmeg-like and can be smoky or even vanilla-like. Banana-like esters should be present at low to medium-high levels. These beers are made with at least 50 percent malted wheat, and hop rates are quite low. Hop flavor and aroma are absent or present at very low levels. Weissbier is well attenuated and very highly carbonated and a medium to full bodied beer. The color is very pale to pale amber. Because yeast is present, the beer will have yeast flavor and a characteristically fuller mouthfeel and may be appropriately very cloudy. No diacetyl should be perceived.

tun tavern beer icon - tun pilsner

Tun Pilsner (German-Style Pilsener)

A classic German Pilsener is very light straw or golden in color and well hopped. Perception of hop bitterness is medium to high. Noble-type hop aroma and flavor are moderate and quite obvious. It is a well-attenuated, medium-light bodied beer, but a malty residual sweetness can be perceived in aroma and flavor. Very low levels of sweet corn-like dimethylsulfide (DMS) character are below most beer drinkers' taste thresholds and are usually not detectable except to the trained or sensitive palate. Other fermentation or hop related sulfur compounds, when perceived at low levels, may be characteristic of this style. Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be perceived. There should be no chill haze. Its head should be dense and rich.

tun tavern beer icon - unfiltered light

Tun Unfiltered Light

3.9% abv. Golden or Blonde ales are straw to golden blonde in color. They have a crisp, dry palate, light to medium body, and light malt sweetness. Low to medium hop aroma may be present but does not dominate. Bitterness is low to medium. Fruity esters may be perceived but do not predominate. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Generally filtered to be crystal clear, but this unfiltered beer is slightly hazy for a bit more flavor from both hops and yeast.


Vanilla Brown Ale

The aroma and flavor of a Weissbier with yeast is decidedly fruity and phenolic. The phenolic characteristics are often described as clove- or nutmeg-like and can be smoky or even vanilla-like. Banana-like esters should be present at low to medium-high levels. These beers are made with at least 50 percent malted wheat, and hop rates are quite low. Hop flavor and aroma are absent or present at very low levels. Weissbier is well attenuated and very highly carbonated and a medium to full bodied beer. The color is very pale to pale amber. Because yeast is present, the beer will have yeast flavor and a characteristically fuller mouthfeel and may be appropriately very cloudy. No diacetyl should be perceived.

tun tavern beer icon - vienna lager

Vienna Lager (Vienna-Style Lager)

Beers in this category are reddish brown or copper colored. They are medium in body. The beer is characterized by malty aroma and slight malt sweetness. The malt aroma and flavor should have a notable degree of toasted and/or slightly roasted malt character. Hop bitterness is clean and crisp. Noble-type hop aromas and flavors should be low or mild. Diacetyl, chill haze and ale-like fruity esters should not be perceived.


Wee Heavy (Scotch Ale)

Dark, strong Scotch Ale with a hint of peat smoke. Scotch ales are overwhelmingly malty and full-bodied. Perception of hop bitterness is very low. Hop flavor and aroma are very low or nonexistent. Color ranges from deep copper to brown. The clean alcohol flavor balances the rich and dominant sweet maltiness in flavor and aroma.

tun tavern beer icon - white ipa

White IPA

A crisp, dry palate, with light to medium body, and light malt sweetness. Low to medium hop aroma with low to medium bitterness.

tun tavern beer icon - winter spice ale

Winter Spice Ale

Just the thing to spice up a cold winter day.

tun tavern beer icon - wit bier

Wit Bier

Belgian Style Wit Bier 4.85%: Brewed with pilsner, munich, wheat and flaked wheat. Hopped lightly with German hops and brewed with sweet orange zest. Floral notes, backed with a sweet banana and clove like finish.

tun tavern beer icon - all american unfiltered ipa

All-American IPA - Unfiltered

6.8% ABV, This unique IPA begins with grapefruit citrus notes with a full resinous mouth feel. Coppery with a heavy hazy appearance, it starts off smooth with a clean bitter finish. Nice caramel malts combined with familiar hops such as Cascade, Amarillo, Simcoe and Centennial hops makes this particular ale enjoyable with any meal.

tun tavern beer icon - tun light

Tun Light

Golden Ale 4.7%. ABV, Golden or Blonde ales are straw to golden blonde in color. They have a crisp, dry palate, light to medium body, and light malt sweetness. Low to medium hop aroma may be present but does not dominate. Bitterness is low to medium. Fruity esters may be perceived but do not predominate. Diacetyl should not be perceived.

tun tavern beer icon - devil dog pale ale

Devil Dog Pale Ale

An American style Pale ale made with imported British malts and Golding and Fuggle hops. The Sweet maltyness and firm body, along with a refreshing fruity hop finish make this a great "session ale". OG: 11.7, FG: 1.8, IBU: 25, ABV 5.2%

Tun Stout

Tun Stout (Oatmeal Stout)

Like its Irish ancestors but with a American Craft Brewers kick: Even more roasty, hoppy and malty too. Full bodied but surpassingly smooth. Like the old Marines it is named after, it takes no retreat and offers no surrender. OG: 12.6, FG: 2.6, IBU: 25, ABV 5.3%

tun tavern beer icon - gose


Gose is a top-fermented beer that originated in Goslar, Germany. It is brewed with at least 50% of the grain bill being malted wheat. Dominant flavours in Gose include a lemon tartness, a herbal characteristic, and a strong saltiness (the result of either local water sources or added salt). Gose beers typically do not have prominent hop bitterness, flavours, or aroma. Gose belongs to the same family of sour wheat beers which were once brewed across Northern Germany and the Low Countries. Other beers of this family are Belgian Witbier, Berliner Weisse, Broyhan, Grätzer.

tun tavern beer icon - stout


This dark, but drinkable stout is a great winter beer, brewed heavily with chocolate malt, dark caramel malt, and roasted barley. Very malt forward with low hop flavor and bitterness, with roasted flavors of coffee, chocolate and caramel.

tun tavern beer icon - sour dry hopped blonde

Sour Dry Hopped Blonde

4.5% ABV. This is a sour beer! Brewed with pilsner malt and a touch of wheat. Then dry hopped generously with Saaz hops for a citrus and floral flavor and aroma.

tun tavern beer icon - doble dry hopped ekuanot ipa

Double Dry Hopped Ekuanot IPA

6.4% ABV. This beer is brewed with a simple grain bill of pilsner and flaked oats to let the hop flavors really come through. Hopped heavily in the whirlpool with Simcoe and Amarillo hops, dry hopped generously during active fermentation with more Simcoe then again heavily with Ekuanot hops. Hopped at a rate of 3 pounds per barrel. It's less bitter than a traditional IPA with flavors of citrus and tropical fruits it pours bright yellow with a nice haze.

tun tavern beer icon - american brown ale

American Brown Ale

4.5% ABV. Brewed with a variety of base malts and dark specialty malts for a deep dark brown color. This beer is well balanced between the nutty, sweet, and toasty malts, and the hop bitterness and floral, earthy flavor.

tun tavern beer icon - diving horse double ipa

Diving Horse High Altitude DIPA

8.1%ABV (10 oz pour). This New England style Double IPA was brewed with a heavy amount of Golden Promise malt, for a slight sweetness but clean malt flavor, along with some flaked oats and wheat for a big body. It pours a bright but hazy yellow. But most importantly we hopped this beer at rate of just over 3 pounds per barrel, with Simcoe and Columbus in the whirlpool, then a heavy dose of both Ella and Mosaic for the dry hop. These hops give this beer that light bitterness, and a big tropical fruit, berry, and citrus flavor.

tun tavern beer icon - blended berry sour ale

Blended Berry Sour Ale

6.6% ABV : Kettle Sour Ale

Kettle sour ale brewed with a base of barley, wheat and oats. Before the boiling process we allowed the wort to sour in the kettle with a Lactobacillus culture for 3 days resulting in a tart and tangy flavor profile. We then resumed the normal brew process by boiling and fermenting with our house ale strain and conditioned the beer on a blended puree of Raspberry, Blueberry, and Strawberry. Then we dry hopped with Hibiscus flowers for added floral and flavor complexity. Expect a dark pink appearance with upfront flavors and aromas of raspberry jam, cranberry cocktail, and lemon tart.

tun tavern beer icon - east and west pale ale

East & West Pale Ale

5.4% ABV : Pale Ale

An unfiltered Pale Ale brewed with wheat and oats for that East Coast haze but hopped and dry hopped with classic West Coast hops - Chinook, Centennial and Simcoe. Expect an upfront citrus bitterness backed by a smooth maltiness with notes of Grapefruit and Pine.

tun tavern beer icon - el amigo lager

El Amigo

4.0% ABV : Lager

A light, crisp Mexican style lager. Brewed with Pilsner malts and flaked maize(corn), then gently hopped with German Hallertau. This beer is a perfect pairing for those warm summer - south of the border beach days. Light and refreshing with a touch of sweetness from the flaked maize.

tun tavern beer icon - wit or wit-out you

Wit-or-Witout You


Cross Czech Pills

tun tavern beer icon - el dorado smash

El Dorado Smash

tun tavern beer icon - maple black walnut brown ale

Maple Brown Ale

tun tavern beer icon - whitecap barrel aged stout

Whitecap Barrel Aged Stout


Citra Crush

tun tavern beer icon - four grain saison

Four Grain Sasison


Hop Tun


South Pacific IPA

tun tavern beer icon - wit bier

Wit Beer

tun tavern beer icon - diving horse hazy ipa

Diving Horse Hazy IPA

6.8% ABV : IPA

An unfiltered New England Style IPA brewed with wheat & oats. This beer was hopped in the kettle and dry hopped with Amarillo, Mosaic and Citra. Upfront flavors and aromas of tropical fruit, melon and citrus.


Diving Horse "RED" Lips Ale

5.4% ABV : Red Ale

Pleasing hoppiness and smooth, very drinkable. A touch of dark malts give this beer a ruddy redness color and hint of dark chocolate.

tun tavern beer icon - juicy pale ale

Diving Horse Juicy Pale Ale

5.0% ABV : Pale Ale

An American Pale Ale brewed with barley, wheat and oats. Hopped in the kettle and dry hopped with Simcoe, Amarillo & Cashmere. Expect hoppy, fruity aromas with upfront flavor notes of citrus, guava & pine. Coming in at 5.0% ABV for everyday drinkability.

tun tavern beer icon - tun light

Tun Light

4.7% ABV : American Light Lager

Light in body, with a crisp, clean, and refreshing finish. Subtle malt and hop character make this beer extremely drinkable.

tun tavern beer icon - oktoberfest

Oktoberfest 2021

5.0% ABV : German Style Lager

Coming in at 5% ABV, this copper-colored German-style lager has a rich, biscuity malt character, with light caramel notes. Despite its fuller body, a subtle, floral hop character rounds it out to make it an incredibly drinkable fall treat.

tun tavern beer icon - blueberry blast

Blueberry Blast

4.3% ABV : IBU: 20 : Ale

An easy drinking session ale with a burst of tart blueberry flavor.

tun tavern beer icon - sunrise session ipa

Sunrise Session IPA

4.7% ABV : IBU 26 : IPA

This session IPA is packed with all the classic pine and citrus hop character you've come to expect and love from a West Coast IPA, with lower bitterness and alcohol content for maximum drink-ability!.


Churchill Stout

6.7% ABV:70 IBU: English Stout

This full-bodied stout combines aromas of chocolate and coffee with flavors of vanilla, roasted malt, and classic American hop varieties to create the perfect cold weather libation.


Peregrine Pils

4.6% ABV:39 IBU: Pilsner

Crisp, dry, and refreshing, the combination of Saaz and Huell Melon hops pack this lager full of spicy, floral and fruity flavors and aromas.


Christmas Lager 2021

5.0% ABV : German Style Lager

This copper-colored German-style lager has a rich, biscuity malt character, with light caramel notes. Despite its fuller body, a subtle, floral hop character rounds it out to make it an incredibly drinkable fall treat.

tun tavern beer icon - tun winter lager

Winter Lager

5.0% ABV : German Style Lager

This copper-colored German-style lager has a rich, biscuity malt character, with light caramel notes.

tun tavern beer icon - drunken dunkel

Drunken Dunkel

4.6% ABV : Munich Dunkel

A dark ruby lager, with malty flavors and aromas of bread, nuts, and chocolate. Crisp and clean. Medium-bodied.

tun tavern beer icon - breakwater brown ale

Breakwater Brown Ale

5.0% ABV : English Brown Ale

East Kent Goldings hops combine with dark malt varieties to creates a well-balanced brown ale with aromas of nuts and spices, and flavors of chocolate and caramel. Served exclusively on nitro for that traditional English pub feel.


Bluebird Morning Coffee Ale

5.0% ABV : Coffee Brown Ale

We got together with our good friends at Char & Stave Coffee Roasters (Ardmore, PA) to create a delightful beer using their light roast Bluebird Morning coffee blend. Chocolate, nut, and caramel malt flavors blend perfectly with the bright floral and honey notes of the coffee beans to create a uniquely refreshing, and extremely drinkable beer.

tun tavern beer icon - dawn's early light

Dawn's Early Light

5.5% ABV : Maibock

A slightly lighter take on a seasonal German classic. Earthy, floral hop notes blend with a subtle malt character to create a refreshing, extremely drinkable spring treat. Best served with a slice of lime.


Summer Stout

4.1% ABV : Irish Dry Stout

This light-bodied beer blends chocolatey, roasted malt flavors with a subtle floral hop character to create a refreshing, easy-drinking stout.

tun tavern beer icon - pure guava pale ale

Pure Guava Pale Ale

5.0% ABV : American Pale Ale

This hoppy American pale ale has been dosed with a ton of natural guava flavoring to create a refreshing, extremely drinkable summer brew.

tun tavern beer icon - tripel dog dare ya

Tripel Dog Dare Ya

8.5% ABV : Belgian Tripel

An American twist on an old Belgian favorite, this strong ale combines the floral, citrus, and herbal flavors of Loral and Palisade hops with the classic Belgian bouquet of banana and clove to create a unique and alarmingly drinkable beer.

tun tavern beer icon - belgian moon

Summer Stout

4.1% ABV : Irish Dry Stout

Brewed with orange peel and coriander, this refreshing wheat beer is the perfect summer day thirst quencher. Best served with a slice of orange.

tun tavern beer icon - shark bite red ale

Shark Bite

4.5% ABV : Irish Red Ale

Light in body, the roasted malt flavor of this Irish Red Ale is balanced by a subtle, earthy hop character, resulting in a crisp, easy-drinking pub ale.

tun tavern beer icon - devils forge pale ale

Devil's Forge

6.2% ABV : Pale Ale

Inspired by the flavors, aromas, and folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, this pale ale was brewed with pine, aged on White Atlantic Cedar, and flavored with a hint of cranberry. Complex but refreshing, this beer is reminiscent of a day spent floating down the Mullica River, hiking the Batona Trail, or simply relaxing under a canopy of pine and cedar trees.

tun tavern beer icon - tunkin pie

Tunkin Pie

4.5% ABV : Pumpkin Ale

Autumn in a glass! Brewed with loads of pumpkin pie spice and vanilla beans, this medium-bodied ale is an easy drinking, cool weather treat.

tun tavern beer icon - churchill porter

Churchill Porter

6.7% ABV : English Porter

This full-bodied porter combines aromas of chocolate and coffee with flavors of vanilla, roasted malt and classic American hop varieties to create the perfect cold weather libation.

tun tavern beer icon - black forest ale

Black Forest Ale

5.1% ABV : German Pale Ale

An American take on a German classic. This Kolsch style ale has a slight malt backbone, but is packed with earthy and floral hop character and finishes crisp and clean.

tun tavern beer icon - diving horse stout

Diving Horse Stout

4.1% ABV : Stout

This light bodied beer blends chocolatey, roasted malt flavors with a subtle floral hop character to create a refreshing, easy drinking stout.


Canvasback Lager

5.0% ABV : Dark Vienna Lager

Crisp and clean with a light chocolatey malt character, this all-weather lager is just as refreshing on the beach as it is on the slopes.

tun tavern beer icon - cherry vanilla porter

Cherry Vanilla Porter

6.7% ABV : English Porter

Sweet cherries and Madagascar vanilla beans compliment the roasty, chocolatey malt character of this porter to create a mouth-watering sweet treat. Available only for Captain's Club members.

tun tavern beer icon - all american pale ale

All-American Pale Ale

6.5% ABV : American Pale Ale

Brewed with 100% American ingredients, this classic medium-bodied pale ale has a solid malt backbone and is packed with citrus and pine hop character.

tun tavern beer icon - tun tun dubbel

Tun Tun Dubbel

6.7% ABV : Belgian Dubbel

Flavors and aromas of caramel and stone fruit abound in this medium-bodied dark Belgian ale. A dry finish makes for a surprisingly drinkable treat.

tun tavern beer icon - blood orange guava ipa

Blood Orange Guava IPA

6.8% ABV : IPA

Take your taste buds on a journey to a tropical island !

Tun Tavern AC Shandy

AC Shandy

5.1% ABV : Shandy

This light, refreshing, lemon-infused lager is sure to cool you down and quench your thirst!

Tun Tavern Pintail Pale Ale

Pintail Pale Ale

4.7% ABV : Pale Ale

This old school pale ale combines woody, earthy, and citrusy hop flavors with a solid malt backbone to create a refreshing and sessionable beer that'll keep you coming back for more.

Tun Tavern Sunshower Saison

Sunshower Saison

6.0% ABV : French Saison

Brewed with orange peel and a hint of coriander, this dry farmhouse ale will quench your thirst and keep you coming back for more.

Tun Tavern Summer Stout

Summer Stout

4.1% ABV : Irish Dry Stout

This light-bodied beer blends chocolatey, roasted malt flavors with a subtle floral hop character to create a refreshing, easy-drinking stout. Served exclusively on nitro for that classic Irish Pub feel.

Tun Tavern Jersey Juice

Jersey Juice

4.3% : Fruited Kettle Sour

A tart, refreshing session ale flavored with New Jersey cranberries and blueberries.

Tun Tavern Beer Goldeneye Kolsch

Goldeneye Kolsch

5.1% ABV : German Pale Ale

An American take on a German classic. This Kölsch-style ale has a slight malt backbone, but is packed with earthy and floral hops and finishes crisp and clean.

Grapefruit Pale Ale

Grapefruit Pale Ale

4.7% ABV : Fruit Pale Ale

The combination of fresh grapefruit and citrusy hops in this old school pale ale will quench your thirst and keep you coming back for more.

Tun Tavern Cherry Vanilla Brown Ale

Cherry-Vanilla Brown Ale

5.0% ABV : English Brown Ale

Cherries and Madagascar vanilla beans blend with the chocolate and nut malt flavors of this brown ale to create a complex, yet sessionable, liquid dessert

Cherry Vanilla Stout

Cherry-Vanilla Stout

6.7% ABV : English Stout

Sweet cherries and Madagascar vanilla beans compliment the roasty, chocolatey malt character of this stout to create a mouth-watering sweet treat.

Revolution Pale Ale

Revolution Pale Ale

4.2% ABV : English Pale Ale

Hopped with a variety of traditional English hops and spiked with Earl Grey tea, this smooth pub ale is too tasty to throw into the harbor. Earthy, floral, citrusy, and a little malty - this beer will make you want to party like it's 1773!

Tun Tavern Cream Ale

Tun Cream Ale

4.7% ABV : Cream Ale

An ode to simpler times, this is no strange brew. This smooth American ale is sure to quench your thirst and make you feel free!

Tun CreamScicle Ale

Orange Creamsicle Ale

4.7% : Fruit Beer

Even more refreshing than a popsicle on the beach, this light fruit ale is sure to cool you down and chill you out. Available for a limited time only!

Tun Tripel Beer

Tun Tripel

8.5% ABV : Belgian Tripel

An American twist on an old Belgian favorite, this strong ale combines the floral, citrus, and herbal flavors of Loral and Palisade hops with the classic Belgian bouquet of banana and clove to create a unique and alarmingly drinkable beer.

rebel saison beer

Rebel Saison

6.0% ABV : French Saison

Brewed with orange peel and a hint of coriander, this dry farmhouse ale will quench your thirst and keep you coming back for more.

Tun Shandy

Tun Shandy

5.1% ABV : Shandy

This light, refreshing, lemon-infused lager is sure to cool you down and quench your thirst!

Tun Stout

Tun Stout

6.7% ABV:70 IBU: English Stout

This full-bodied stout combines aromas of chocolate and coffee with flavors of vanilla, roasted malt, and classic American hop varieties to create the perfect cold weather libation.

Tun Tavern Beer on Tap Irish Red Ale

Irish Red Ale

4.5% ABV : Irish Red

Roasty malt flavors blend with earthy, floral hop notes to create a well-balanced, traditional pub ale. With one sip, you'll be transported to Dublin!
